lion capital

Putting together the pieces
We target a variety range of investments across all asset classes, which consists of core, core-plus, value-add and opportunistic real estate.
Lion Capital’s aim is to deliver risk-adjusted returns to the investors through premium asset and portfolio management.
We strive to navigate through the complexities of real estate investment to capture the right possible positive results over the long term with the foreseen calculated and anticipated risks.

Risk Profile
We target properties which offer returns with a low to moderate risk profile.

Property Type
We invest mostly in direct real estate worldwide and mostly historically our investments were on Core and Core Plus residential, hospitality, office and retail across Asia.

Transaction Size
Mainly in direct investments in US$100m Core to Value Add properties.

Geographic Focus
Our portfolio is mainly located in the Asia-Pacific region. Our interest has also expanded towards Europe and the U.S.

Equity or Debt Investment
Lion Capital’s real estate portfolio is mainly in equity however, we are also see debt as an area that we will be considering in the near future.